88 research outputs found

    Paddy field classification with MODIS-terra multi-temporal image transformation using phenological approach in Java Island

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    This paper presents the paddy field classification model using the approach based on periodic plant life cycle events and how these elevations in climate as well as habitat factors, such as elevation. The data used are MODIS-Terra two tiles of H28v09 and H29v09 of 2016, consist of 46 series of 8-daily data, with 500 meter resolution in Java region. The paddy field classification method based on the phenological model is done by Maximum Likelihood on the transformed annual multi-temporal image of the reflectance data, index data, and the combination of reflectance and index data. The results of the study showed that, with the reference of the Paddy Field Map from the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the overall accuracies of the paddy field classification results using the combination of reflectance and index data provide the highest (85.4%) among the reflectance data (83.5%) and index data (81.7%). The accuracy levels were varied; these depend on the slope and the types of paddy fields. Paddy fields on the slopes of 0-2% could be well identified by MODIS-Terra data, whereas it was difficult to identify the paddy fields on the slope >2%. Rain-fed lowland paddy field type has a lower user accuracy than irrigated paddy fields. This study also performed correlation (r2) between the analysis results and the statistical data based on district and provincial boundaries were >0.85 and >0.99 respectively. These correlations were much higher than the previous study results, which reached 0.49-0.65 (hilly-flat areas of county-level), and 0.80-0.88 (hilly-flat areas of provincial level) for China, and reached 0.44 for Indonesia

    Improvement of Nanoparticles Surfaces for Defining Water/Crude Oil Interface

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    Modification of Zinc Oxide surface was conducted using Oleic Acid coating and Silica Dioxide coating. After the completion of surface modification, the nanoparticles are evaluated using Zeta Potential measurement to verify the successfulness and the stability of surface-modified nanoparticles. The nanoparticle Zinc Oxide was chosen to be the base for the coating because it has been proven from previous experiment to aggregate best at the interface when is compared with other metal oxides nanoparticle, but may still needs improvement to improve its stability at the interface. The purpose of this experiment is to study the possibility of the surface-modified nanoparticles to aggregate at the water/crude oil interface using different type of crude oil. The crude oil use in this experiment is consists of Miri light crude oil, medium crude of Kikeh Crude and heavy crude oil Castilla Crude. Additionally, this research will help explore the possibility to assist the monitoring of the formation flood front. Using resistivity as one of the parameter would help in the monitoring of the nanoparticles to identify the absence and presence of the nanoparticles at the flood front. Unfortunately, the finding did not produce the expected result. There was little aggregation at the water/oil interface and the resistivity measured was not significant in comparison with previous experimentation. However, this study has help to see the relationship of zeta potential to the aggregation at the water/crude oil interface and the behaviour of surface-coated nanoparticles in different type of crude oil

    Pengaruh Metode Syawir Terhadap Minat Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Madrasah Diniyyah Al Amiriyyah Blokagung Banyuwangi

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    This study discusses the effect of the syawir method on the interest in learning Arabic for Madrasah Diniyyah Al-Amiriyyah Blokagung Banyuwangi Madrasah students. The research subjects (respondents) were students of class 2H Ula. The sampling technique in this study used total sampling. because the total student population is 34 people. The results of this study indicate that the Syawir method in learning Arabic has a positive and significant effect on students' learning interest. This can be shown by the rcount value, which is 0.732, so to find out whether there is an influence, it is necessary to compare it with the product moment table with a significance level of 5% at N totaling 34(N-2) = 32, then the rtable = 0.349. Seeing that the price of rcount is greater than rtable (0.732> 0.349), the null hypothesis (Ho) "there is no effect of the discussion method on interest in learning Arabic" is rejected, and the working hypothesis (Ha) "there is an effect of the discussion method on interest in learning Arabic for students of class 2H ula” accepted. it is known that the rcount of 0.732 is between 0.60 – 0.799, so that the effect of the discussion method on interest in learning Arabic for class 2H Ula Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi is thus included in the strong category

    Evaluation of Research Standards at Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education with I-MR Map Control Analysis

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    In order to accommodate research activities at all universities in Indonesia, the Directorate Genereal of Strengthening for Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia established research quality standard. The standard includes the minimum targets that must be achieved by each University at the period of conducting the research activity. However, until now there has been no measurement to find out whether the existing standard was good enough or needs to be evaluated. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the standards. The method used was the analysis of I-MR (Individual and Moving Range) control chart to see the performance of the standard. The results show that existing research schemes have encouraged the improvement of international publications, but have not yet maximized the production of other outputs such as textbooks, accredited national publications, intellectual property rights, and ptototypes. The result of the research was expected to be used as material for evaluation and improvement of policy to improve the quality of research standard in Kemenristekdikti

    Implementasi Pendidikan Spiritual Dalam Meningkatkan Akhlak Santri Di Pondok Pesantren Subulas Salam Selobekiti Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Malang

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    Penerapan nilai-nilai akhlak di pondok pesantren menjadi hal yang utama. Penerapan ini dilaksanakan dalam berbagai kegiatan, baik bersifat formal maupun non formal,  mengingat pondok pesantren memiliki pendidikan formal. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatf dan menggunakan kualitatif yang mengedepankan fenomena yang dialami oleh subjek berupa perilaku, persepsi, pandangan, dan motivasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi, sebagai sumber informasi adalah para civitas pondok pesantren Subulas Salam Selobekiti kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Malang. Data dianalisis melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Selanjutnya pengecekan keabsahan data dengan uji kredibilatas untuk menguji kevalidan data. Hasil penelitian: (1) implementasi nilai-nilai akhlak di pondok pesantren Subulas Salam melalui kegiatan rutin dan wajib, Bentuk implementasi berupa perilaku tawadlu, perilaku disiplin, perilaku hidup sederhana, dan perilaku jujur perkataan dan perbuatan, (2) kegiatan spiritual yang telah diterapkan menjadi harapan semua pihak termasuk santri dalam bertindak dan bersikap yang dibarengi penerapan nilai-nilai salaf untuk mewujudkan nilai tawadlu’, nilai kedisplinan, nilai kejujuran, dan nilai kesederhanaan, dan (3) relevansi nilai-nilai spiritual terhadap santri, yaitu terbentuknya perilaku tawadlu, penggunaan waktu yang baik, kegiatan ubudiyah dan amaliyah, dan kejujuran perkataan dan perbuatan.

    Pengaruh Latihan Imagery dan Konsentrasi Terhadap Ketepatan Free Throw Pada UKM Bola Basket Universitas Islam Indonesia.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) perbedaan pengaruh antara metode latihan internal imagery dan external imagery terhadap ketepatan free throw pada pemain UKM bola basket Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2) perbedaan pengaruh konsentrasi tinggi dan konsentrasi rendah terhadap ketepatan free throw pada pemain UKM bola basket UII, dan 3) interaksi antara metode latihan dan konsentrasi terhadap ketepatan free throw pada pemain UKM bola Basket UII. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 2 pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di UKM bola basket UII. Sampel berjumlah 38 pemain yang ditentukan dengan pembagian kelompok 27% batas atas dan 27% batas bawah. Teknik pengumpulan data: 1) Penentuan sampel berdasarkan pada hasil tes konsentrasi pemain UKM bola basket UII dan 2) Melakukan tes awal (pretest) dan tes akhir (posttest) free throw. Instrumen menggunakan 2 Tes yaitu Tes ketepatan free throw dengan Validitas (0,79) dan reliabilitas (0,92). Tes konsentrasi dengan validitas (0,89) dan reliabilitas (0,803). Teknik analisis data menggunakan ANAVA dua jalur dengan taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Terdapat perbedaan antara latihan internal imagery dan external imagery (p = 0,000 < 0,05) maka metode latihan internal imagery lebih baik daripada external imagery. 2) Terdapat perbedaan pemain yang mempunyai konsentrasi tinggi dan konsentrasi rendah (p = 0,000 < 0,05) maka pemain yang mempunyai konsentrasi tinggi lebih baik daripada pemain yang mempunyai konsentrasi rendah. 3) Adanya interaksi antara internal imagery dan external imagery serta konsentrasi tinggi dan konsentrasi rendah (p = 0,047 < 0, 05). kelompok pemain yang mempunyai konsentrasi tinggi lebih tepat jika dilatih dengan internal imagery, sedangkan kelompok pemain yang memiliki konsentrasi rendah lebih baik jika dilatih dengan external imagery Kata kunci: Mental Imagery, Konsentrasi, Ketepatan Free Throw

    Accuracy Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Network Classification Algorithms for Building Identification in Rural and Urban Areas from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Jambi, Indonesia

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    Accurate land cover data are essential to a reliable decision-making process; therefore, researchers have turned to novel land cover classification algorithms employing machine learning on high-resolution satellite imagery to improve classification accuracy. The experiment presented in this paper aims to assess the accuracy performance of three patch-based, convolutional neural network architectures (LeNet, VGGNet, and XCeption) in classifying building footprints in rural and urban areas from satellite imagery data, with conventional, pixel-based classification algorithms as a benchmark. The experiment concluded that the CNN classification algorithms consistently outperformed pixel-based algorithms in the accuracy of the resulting building-footprint classification raster. It was also demonstrated that larger image patch size does not always improve classification accuracy in all CNN architectures. This study also revealed that the XCeption architecture performed best among the three CNN architectures assessed, with a 72-pixel patch size having the best accuracy


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    Abstraksi Lahan merupakan sumber daya yang sangat penting untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan hidup, sehingga dalam pengelolaannya harus sesuai dengan kemampuannya agar tidak menurunkan produktivitas lahan.(Yastin Dewi, 2016). Lahan kritis adalah lahan yang tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk digunakan makhluk hidup sehingga harus dilakukan pencegahan/konservasi. Oleh karena itu kita harus mengetahui kondisi lahan, dengan menggunakan Peraturan Direktur Jendral Bina Pengelolaan DAS dan Perhutanan Sosial nomor: P.4/V-SET/2013 Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penyusunan Data Spasial Lahan Kritis, kita dapat mengetahui kondisi terkini lahan khususnya untuk kawasan budidaya pertanian. Penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah identifikasi lahan kritis berdasarkan perdirjen bina pengelolaan das dan perhutanan sosial nomor: P.4/V-SET/2013 menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Hasil dari penyusunan data spasial sesuai perdirjen didapat bahwa kondisi lahan kritis kawasan budidaya pertanian di Kabupaten Tanah Laut yang sangat kritis dengan luas 2653.85 Ha, Kritis dengan luas 79038.88 Ha. Agak kritis dengan luas 246304.63 Ha, dan Potensial kritis dengan luas 52511.49 Ha. Kata Kunci : Perdirjen, Kritis, Sistem Informasi Geografi

    Digital Interpretability of Annual Tile-based Mosaic of Landsat-8 OLI for Time-series Land Cover Analysis in the Central Part of Sumatra

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    This paper presents an interoperability of annual tile-based mosaic (MTB) images, as well as a verification of the validity of the model for the time series land cover analysis purposes. The primary data used are MTB image of Landsat-8 of the central part of Sumatra, acquired from January 2015 to June 2017. The method used for the interoperability validation is the digital analysis of three-years time series land cover. The classification was performed with four band spectral groups. Training samples are taken from the image of 2016. The results are then reclassified to improve the overall accuracy score based on Jefferies Matusita (JM) distance. The interoperability can be measured by the average of overall accuracy (AOA) score, namely Good (scores > 80%), Fair (70.0% -79.9%), and Bad ( 80% for six and four classes object. Thus the most efficient for interoperability is the use of Bands 6-5 to analyze four class object of land cover.


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    The South Bali coast is prone to abrasion due to its geographical position facing the Indian Ocean. High sea waves and currents in the south of Bali will erode beaches whose lithology and morphology are prone to abrasion. Land cover conditions that do not support coastal protection will also affect the high abrasion of the southern coast of Bali. This study aims to analyze the shoreline changes in South Bali from 1995-2021. The analytical method used is the Digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS), with data from Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, and Sentinel 2A. The analysis results show that the area directly facing the waves is relatively high, with volcanic rock formations, and there is no mangrove as coastal protection. The lack of good coastal management shows the area with the highest abrasion. It was found in the western part of Tabanan Regency, eastern Gianyar, and southern Badung. Meanwhile, the average coastal accretion was relatively high in the neck of South Bali, in areas where the land cover was mangrove and adjacent to river mouths, which experienced much sedimentation
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